Tuesday, December 6, 2016

It's All About the Journey!

We are too often in a hurry to get where we are going. When we are children we are always wanting to be older. When we are young adults we are always impatient to accomplish all our dreams. When we are parents we can't wait till our kids are grown. But one of the most important lessons we can learn is that it is not about the destination, but our focus should be instead learning from the journey we make everyday. We need to be present in the moment, not just looking ahead!

The same is true as an educator. We must be "present" with our students and participating in the learning journey right along with them. Learning occurs every day in our classrooms all around us. We need to retain our wonder about the everyday happenings around us. We must take time to stoop and observe the caterpillar in our path, touch the smoothness of the stone in our pocket, inhale the fragrance of pine . . . Be intentional with how you navigate everyday - look for the path less traveled! Be present!


  1. "We can provide the voice for purpose and balance in use of technology."
    This part is so good--it is an action step for us, the adults, to make sure our kids learn to utilize the world wide web safely. Good Stuff!

  2. and when my GPS tells me I have "arrived"-Ignore it!
